Dedicated to providing professional product-packaging solutions
Which bags manufacturer is suitable for you? How can you find an acceptable bag factory? The number of factories in China is amazing. Most factories and product pictures look great on websites, but there is a big difference between the actual products and pictures. You can’t get much value online.
But there should be a bags factory that suits you, right? How do you know which factories specialize in the types and sizes of bags you need? Which factories have a bad reputation, due to poor quality or poor management? Which companies have just lost a lot of experienced workers, gone to another factory, or often received a lot of seasonal orders from long-term customers, which would cause your production to be delayed? Or how do you find out which factories are eager to cooperate and create new businesses?
If you’re starting a new business, you may be hesitant about language barriers, cultural differences, or demands for service and quality. The most common complaints include product problems, payment problems, communication problems, delay in delivery and quality problems. You may have heard that there are many advanced factories in China, and the knowledge and expertise of manufacturing are constantly improving. But when problems happen, you will feel helpless, unless you find a suitable factory.
But there are many more important factors to consider when choosing the right bags manufacturer.
1. Product usage and price range
2. Company license
3. Product certificate
4. Quality testing
5. Minimum order quantity (MOQ)
6. Country of origin
With the network is more popular now, you can easily find many Chinese bags manufacturer in Google and other channels, but please remember the above knowledge, to find a suitable bags and luggage factory.
Guangzhou Baiyun Runhe Bags Factory has more than 10 years professional experience in designing all kinds of backpacks, such as travel backpacks, diaper bags, cross body bags and so on. And the backpack factory located in GuangZhou,China. We hope to work with you and create a better future together.