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handbag factory,quality and efficiency ,which is more important ?

For handbag factory who is focused on handbag OEM,quality and efficiency are two obstacles that we have to face .Then quality and efficiency ,which is more important ?


Efficiency and quality are not equally important .There must be a before and after .handbag factory must understand this deeply .If you think that quality and efficiency are of same importance ,the subtext is fairness without emphasis on either side .The result is that neither of them are important .Further bag thinks that for high end China leather bag suppliers ,quality is more important than efficiency .Because quality is basis ,as long as each part is qualified ,the finished products has no problem ,the efficiency of handbag factory would surely be high .Because the most scared of production is poor quality to rework,for any orders ,if there is rework ,the efficiency must be very low .


Further bag thinks that quality is more important than efficiency .This is also considering issues from customers perspectives .handbag factory must insist on offering high quality ,it could offer the best value for customers .

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