Shiling town of huadu district is known as the leather city of China since Guangdong’s leather trade takes up about half in China, and leather goods from Shiling play a dominant role in Guangzhou leather market. Opened in the December of 2000, Shiling International handbags Market in Guangzhou covers a total area of more than 700mu and has attracted businessmen from over 20 countries including USA, France, Italy, Brazil and many more to go there and do business. It has become a noted market both at home and abroad for its large scale of leather products.
It has also won lots of awards with its prominent position in the leather industry of China or even the world. September 10, 2002 has witnessed a great success for Shiling town as it was awarded the laurel of Chinese Capital of Leather Products by China National Light Industry Association as well as China Leather Industry Association, the pioneer of winning such honor in leather products industry in Guangdong Province.
Various kinds of transactions are acceptable in Huadu Shiling leather center such as wholesale, retail, cash-on-delivery, etc. In addition, with several domestic banks nearby offering necessary banking services, it makes way for a convenient and efficient business trip. In Shiling leather town, you can get easy access to lots of famous foreign brands as well as some renowned Chinese brands such as Liannu, Beijixiong, Feilong, Jixiang, Pingguo, etc.
Product range: fashion handbags, handbags, travel bags, briefcase, laptop bags, backpack, cosmetic bags, woven bags, evening bags, school bags, canvas bags, gift bags, etc.